Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pictures of Ben taking pictures of chickens

...except that I completely missed the chickens. On the way from Madera to the Monterey Bay, we stopped at this roadside fruit shack in the middle of a giant pasture with a picnic area, a flashy cock, and countless flavors of pistachios and four pounds of oranges for a single dollar. We discovered that pistachios don't really require any additional flavoring, because it just masks the natural pistachio deliciousness and gets all over your fingers, which is probably fine if Purell is not your primary daytime mode of manual hygiene, as can be the case on the road. Also, our four pounds of tiny, discount oranges are nearly impossible to peel, and despite our extensive travel kitchen, which now includes a first aid kit after last night's broccoli incident, we have no citrus juicer. But Ben took this picture that actually has the chickens in it: