Sunday, December 7, 2014


Scrambled eggs with scallions, kippers, and leftover jalapeño cheesecake for breakfast, with an appetizer of bananas and peanut butter, of course. Every meal on this trip tastes like the first gourmet meal of my life. Also we didn't shower this morning for the first time. The trappings of the old (normal, appropriate) life are falling away (as if they ever had a firm hold)!

We found mushrooms today on the way back from our beach walk. Three varieties, I think. Ben photographed them (yes, there will be good pictures on this blog eventually). We want to learn mushrooms and how to forage food. Here are things we want to learn to do:
- hunt mushrooms
- bow hunt wild boar (sure, that may be two things or maybe more)
- field dress our boar
- throw knives
- slack line
- raise chickens

Here are the photo series I want on our blog (since I take funny, sort of bad photos with my iPhone):
- postcards from Billy
- pictures of Ben taking pictures
- food we eat

These are the things I need to do today:
- fix my stretched out buttonhole (done!)

- prototype a cabled wrist cuff
- write nice cards to friends

Here is what I like today:
- breakfast
- other people's silly dogs riding in the front seats of cars
- cooking fancy meals in motel rooms
- being on the road
- climbing piles of big driftwood or barnacled stone cliffs during low tide
- hot water in my travel mug
- taking pictures from inside Billy
- my heart bursting with all this beauty
- knitting funny hats
- rambling around with Ben and feeling like this mad world actually makes sense
- lists